Proven Results

All the negative things that I use to think, those are gone now

Hello Dr. Jorge:

It has been a while since I have sent you an e-mail, so I am going to inform you about my progress. I have found that I have been more alert during an everyday basis. Like my senses are working better than ever. All the negative things that I use to think, those are gone now. With your help I have been able to look at situations on the positive side. Now when I miss a shot I do not dwell on the fact that I missed it, but focus on the fact that it was one point and move on to the next one. The Eight Golden Sequence has been one of the biggest helps to my success in Winter Supernationals in Arizona. The greatest thing that has come out of all of this is that I am enjoying tennis more than I ever had. To me my enjoyment of playing tennis beats all the wins, rankings, and overall success that I have ever had. I just want to say a short thank you, because just recently I have been thinking a lot about what I have compared to what my other peers in tennis have. Many of them I have found don't look at tennis as what it truly is, but as another factor to overcome in life. To me like you said "Tennis is a Celebration of Life." I don't think there is a better way to put it, but that tennis is a celebration of life. Anyway thank you, and let's keep in touch.


 He seems more positive and less emotional in his tennis

Dr. Jorge

Hi, I am Adam L.'s Mom. Adam's the very little guy you sat and went through the questionnaire with. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that Adam is still very excited about the program and has been doing the CDs diligently daily. He is giving more attention to his eating habits, and generally just seems more positive and less emotional in his tennis. I was a bit surprised that at his young age (11) he was so fascinated and interested in the psychology aspect of tennis. He is very motivated to incorporate the things you have taught him.

I am a dentist and have had some education in psychology along the way. I also have a good friend who is has her Ph.D. in psychology and is in private practice- I have learned a lot from her. With this background, I have found your techniques and teaching to make a lot of sense. I believe the mental aspect of training in tennis is undervalued with many players. I wanted to thank you for time and touch base.

Renee E

Your system prepared me for college tennis

How are you doing? I have been extremely busy for the past month getting ready for college at TCU. I wanted to let you know that your program has been THE DIFFERENCE MAKER IN MY TENNIS PERFORMANCES since I started it. I had a great Kalamazoo. I played some of the best tennis I've played in years.
I just started classes at TCU this week and have been training with the team unofficially for about two weeks. My coach says that I am one of the most mentally tough players he has seen in a while. Joey Rive, my coach, was top 50 in the world for a while so he knows when he sees a good player. I just wanted to thank you for all of the support and help you have given me over the years. I found you at one of the lowest parts of my career and together we have turned that around. I am still continuing your program because I believe in your work.
Thanks again Jorge.

Robert G.

I think the system is really working

Hi Jorge:

I am going to start the 2nd 21 days of the program today. In El Paso (national open), I won my first 2 matches then lost and drop to consolation and won 2 more before I lost again.

I had a good temper, but I still need to work on my inter speech. I never had wanted to get mad. It was aswome. The same thing happens in San Antonio (major zone). I won 2 and lost 1. In the second match my opponent had 3 match points in a row but I fought back and won. I think the system is really working.
Thanks again,

A. B. (11 year old player)

An enjoyable an effective system

Hi Dr. Valverde,

Just an update on my daughter's progression with your mental preparation program. We started the first stage "Flooding to Zoning" on February 1st. Tori absolutely loves the program. She was very impressed that you took the time to talk to her over the phone. She has been very faithful to listen each day and apply appropriately to her day. Tori has a very strong tennis game technique wise, and aggressive style of tennis, but has always struggled with believing in herself. She is only 9, but liked we talked about it is never too young to start. Since starting the program, she has entered two USTA junior super series tournaments, and has won both of them. She has become a different child on the court. She really has started to enjoy the battle instead of the "score" game. She told me the other day; she now walks out and lets her game do the playing. I have seen her down 5 to love, and appear in her actions, that the match has just started.

We are all looking forward to the changes it will make over a lifetime. Not only on the court, but in her confidence of who she is as a person.

Thank you so much for taking that time to talk to her, and show you are truly interested. I will keep you updated.

Jan C.

You have been such a big part in my march to success

Hi Jorge! How's everything going? Here is a picture of us at Winter Nationals. I just wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me. You have been such a big part in my march to success in the last two years leading up to my first gold ball in singles. I am so stoked about the future involving my tennis career and your program. It's such an exciting process. Anyways, just a short thank you and I can't wait to take this to even more heights. I will be sending you my Winter Nationals script and strokes soon.

Best Wishes.

Ashley Weinhold

Staying focus when facing adversity

Dr. Jorge,

I just wanted to email you and touch base about where I am in the mental toughness program. This past weekend at Houston, I felt like I won the tournament because of how strong I was mentally and not because I played especially well. I really wanted to tell you a little about the San Antonio major zone as well. So the weekend before last I went to San Antonio and played a major zone...almost identical to the one this weekend. The tournament was very delayed due to a lot of rain and bad weather. We ended up playing 4 "matches" (short sets, no-ad starting at 2-2) on one day. I looked to push myself outside of the box in many ways that weekend. I had to overcome weather...stay focused and remember that I was at a tournament. I had to maintain my physical state by working out in the gym and continuing to do the workouts I've been doing. I had to fight the temptation to be lazy and lay around like everyone else around me. But, I realized that I am different and I am aspiring to achieve higher goals than the "average" person around me. Before the tournament I sat down and created a mental script specifically stating the performance goals I had for the major zone. And it helped TREMENDOUSLY. That weekend I followed my inner script exactly word for word. It was awesome. And like the Houston tournament I won because I was emotionally so strong and handled the tournament despite my obstacles. But that was just some of my feelings for the past couple of tournaments, and I am really excited to see the results from my training. Not only within myself, but also in my peers. Thanks for all of the time and effort you have put into helping me. I am so excited to move forward and keep learning more.

Stephanie K.

My confidence is back and I am not taking any more sleeping pills

Hi Dr. Jorge!

I am totally enjoying and seeing results already from your program - Thanks so much! I have plugged it with my USTA team - maybe they will all be contacting you too! I had lost a lot of confidence over the last few months and this has really helped me regain the confidence and enjoy playing more. I had never given much attention to the mental part of my game and did not grow up competing in any way, so this is a great help to me. An added bonus is that I am sleeping so much better with the L/S program - I have always had trouble sleeping and more so the older I get, often having to rely on sleeping pills - this has cured me of that! Thanks again so much. I am faxing the profile to you.



Dear Dr. Valverde,

So nice to speak to you on Saturday, your influence is already making a difference, Rachel won both age divisions this week-end, beating a player with a ranking much higher than hers! We are anxiously awaiting the program. Thank-you.

Melinda M.

Overcoming fear

Dr. Jorge:

We were all doing our rituals today. Eric won a match tonight with a kid that he has never beaten before. On a critical point, he turned his back on the opponent, did his rituals, and decided in his mind that he was going to beat this kid, tonight, now.  He beat him!!!!!!!! When I picked him up, he was really excited and came running over to me to tell me that it worked!! Then he came home and told Jeffrey and there was a lot of excitement. Well, anyway, we had a great time!! Thanks a lot, and it was great to meet you.

The Legunn's
